Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seeds Vs Feminized Cannabis Seeds

regular seeds

Regular seeds are a great option for beginners as they allow for mistakes during the cultivation process. They also give you a good understanding of the full growing cycle and plant care.

They are also cheaper to buy and offer more genetic stability. This makes them perfect for those who want to experiment with crossing different cultivars.

They produce both male and female plants

Theoretically, over a larger sample size, regular seeds should produce an equal number of male and female plants. However, this ratio can vary based on growing conditions and luck. For example, it is not unusual to get 3 male plants and 7 females from a batch of 10 seeds. This is why it is important to buy a few more seeds than the number of plants you want to grow.

Besides producing male and female plants, regular cannabis seeds are also more genetically stable than feminized ones. This means that they are less prone to turning hermaphrodites during the cultivation process, making them ideal for novice growers.

Another advantage of regular seeds is that they can be used to breed cannabis strains. This is a popular practice among hobbyist growers and has been around for millennia. It requires a certain level of expertise to succeed, but it can be rewarding and is a great way to enjoy the benefits of home growing.

They are 100% unaltered

If you grow a sample of regular seeds, you will probably get a 50-50 distribution of male and female plants. This is because of how natural they are. They don’t undergo any genetic tampering like feminized varieties, and they don’t produce hermaphrodite plants either.

This is why they are the preferred option for breeders who want to create new cultivars. They also have a better chance of producing robust clones than feminized varieties.

These unaltered cannabis seeds are perfect for beginners who are interested in growing their own strains. They can produce a variety of terpenes, flavors, and effects that make them great for experimentation. One of the best examples is Moby Dick regular, which tastes like ripe blueberries and leaves you with a lemon-and-vanilla finish. Its effects are deeply relaxing and calming, bringing you back to your center. Its potency is also impressive, making it a great wake n’ bake strain. The strain also has a long flowering time and high yields.

They are more stable than feminized seeds

Feminized cannabis seeds look just like regular ones, but their modest brown husks hide a crucial difference. Feminized seeds contain no male chromosomes, which makes them ideal for commercial growers that need to produce a large crop of female plants. Regular seeds, on the other hand, can produce both male and female plants.

Feminized seeds are also more predictable, which makes them a popular choice for growers. Their predominately female crops are easier to manage and produce higher-quality buds than regular plants. They also have fewer pests and diseases to worry about, which saves growers time and money.

Many growers prefer to use regular seeds for their versatility and potential to breed new strains. They also tend to cost less than feminized seeds, making them a more budget-friendly option for growers. They can be planted in the same way as feminized seeds and germinate just as quickly, but they are less likely to become hermaphrodites.

They are cheaper

Regular seeds are more expensive than feminized ones, but offer greater genetic diversity and more potential for creating phenotype variation. However, they also require more time and effort to grow since you have to identify and remove male plants before they pollinate the females and ruin your harvest.

Feminized seeds are a more convenient option for growers who want consistency in their crops. They produce only female plants and eliminate the risk of hermaphroditism. They are less costly and easier to grow than regular seeds, but may lack some of the flavor and potency found in regular strains.

If you’re a beginner or grower with limited space, feminized seeds may be the best option for your cultivation needs. They are a great choice for growers who value consistency and efficiency, and avoid the cost of wasted growing medium, nutrients, and lighting when sexing regular seeds. They are also ideal for those with legal limitations on the number of plants they can raise.

Best Regular Seeds

Benefits of Growing Regular Seeds

regular seed

Growing regular seeds necessitates removing male plants, and can be time-consuming and difficult for novice growers. However, they provide a greater range of phenotypes that are useful to breeders and expert growers.

Some of the best old-school varieties never made it into feminized form, so using regular seed allows you to grow these classics.


Regular seeds provide breeders with a variety of options that help preserve genetic stability and allow for exploration of new strains. Typically associated with reputable seed banks that prioritize customer service and frequent cannabis cups, these seeds are an excellent choice for growers who want to work with stable, reliable, high-quality varieties.

Cultivating regular seeds requires a little extra care. Male plants need to be identified and removed prior to flowering in order to prevent pollination and the production of new seeds. This process can take time and expertise, but is a critical part of cultivating a successful harvest.

This additional effort also means that a pack of regular seeds will produce half as many males as feminized ones. While we recommend starting with feminized seeds for beginner growers, experienced gardeners can enjoy the benefits of working with regular seed. This includes the ability to select and breed specific, precise phenotypes for their next crop.


The biggest benefit to growing from seeds is that it allows you to select a strain with the morphology, flavour profile or potency you like. Cloning, on the other hand, gives you an exact genetic duplicate of a chosen mother plant.

Clones can make your grow much simpler, because they all like the same type of light, nutrients and soil pH. However, you have to choose the right mother plant, and it can be tricky to get a good number of clones that root.

Clones can also be more unstable, as they can sometimes become hermaphrodites. In addition, you have to take care of them carefully, because they are more susceptible to nutrient burn and pests than seedlings. A proper rooting environment and a little bit of cloning hormone will help you avoid these problems. The bottom line is that cloning takes time, and there can be a steep learning curve to the process. This is why some growers opt to stick with seeds, especially if they are new to cannabis cultivation.

Genetic Stability

Genetic stability is important for the continued presence of desirable traits in strains over generations. It allows breeders to select the best mother and father and produce stable hybrid offspring that exhibit those traits. It also prevents unwanted mutations that may interfere with the quality and performance of a plant.

When choosing regular seed, be sure to choose from reputable breeders who maintain high breeding standards. They should also test their seeds for hermaphroditic plants, which contain both male and female reproductive organs. Hermaphroditic plants can cause a loss of quality in cannabis crops, and should be removed before harvesting.

The present investigation discussed the genetic stability on seven promising rice entries under 12 different environments through estimating agro-morphological traits. The result showed that all studied entries had a high genetic stability and exhibited two trends from one experiment to another. The mean squares related to environments and genotype X environment revealed that all estimated traits have considerable interaction with the environmental factors.


The genetics of a seed plant are stored in specific parts of the plants called chromosomes. For safety nature gives each seed plant a back up copy of its genes one from mum and another from dad. During reproduction this can cause hermaphroditic plants that produce male and female flowers. This can lead to unwanted pollination and a decrease in flower quality, so it is important to separate male and female plants through careful sexing.

Previous studies identifying genetic factors that affect seed traits have predominantly used mutant screens and have focused on individual genes rather than analyzing the effects of multiple genes at once. This makes it difficult to determine whether genetic factors that influence both seed size and number exhibit a trade-off in nature. Two QTL mapping experiments that simultaneously analyzed seed weight and seed number found that the effects of these genetic factors on the traits are pleiotropic. This suggests that within-plant variation in seed size may be driven by multiple genetic and nongenetic factors and may reflect diversifying bet-hedging strategies triggered by environmental unpredictability.

Best Regular Seeds

Regular Seed Vs Feminized Seed

regular seed

Regular seeds function exactly how nature intended, with an even chance of emerging as either male or female plants. They offer unique advantages that feminized seeds can’t, such as the ability to create and grow cuttings.

They also preserve genetic stability for breeding purposes and provide phenotype variation. Regular seed cultivation requires a little more work than feminized, but can be highly rewarding for those looking to explore and cultivate new strains.


While feminized seeds offer the convenience of an all-female harvest, regular seed can be valuable for breeders looking to produce new varieties. They can also help preserve the genetics of a particular plant phenotype. Nonetheless, it takes more effort to grow regular seeds because you must sex your plants to remove any males that are produced, or risk losing out on a potential harvest.

In industrialized countries, the nature of breeding is shifting away from farm-saved and community seed systems based on sharing and exchange, supporting local adapted landraces and food sovereignty, to highly commercial and scientifically controlled activities carried out by large multinational corporations. Consequently, it is important to develop models that address social justice and equity within the corporate seed business (such as paying contract farmers a fair price for their seeds). The current model of exclusive control of seeds by a few corporate companies threatens agro-biodiversity, ecosystem services, climate robustness, food security, safety, and quality, and food and seed sovereignty.


Seeds give you the ability to crossbreed and create new strains. However, seeds have a genetic code of their own that can affect how they grow. This means that your crop of sibling plants won’t be identical.

Clones are easier to work with than seeds because they’re exact duplicates of the mother plant. But they’re still delicate and require a carefully regulated environment with the proper lighting and humidity. If you don’t have the right conditions, a clone can die before it roots.

Clones can also inherit any flaws from their mother, including diseases and vulnerabilities to pests and fungus. This makes vetting your sources of clones a must. Also, clones require a specific rooting medium that’s often expensive to purchase and difficult to find in stores and dispensaries. In addition, clones take longer to flower than seeds because they haven’t developed the same amount of genetic potential. This is especially true for autoflowering clones.


Genetics is the process of transferring genes from one organism to another. The process of genetics can be influenced by environmental factors that can affect the outcome of gene expression. For example, two plants may be genetically identical, but one plant may grow taller than the other because of the environment it is in. This is referred to as nature versus nurture.

Seed production involves isolation of fields for avoiding cross pollination from neighboring fields and careful sowing, harvesting, threshing and handling to avoid mechanical mixtures. It also involves testing of seeds to ensure high genetic purity and uniformity.

We used MAGIC lines to study the genetic variation in both seed size and number per fruit, and their interaction with flowering time. We found that field selfing rate influenced progeny inbreeding, but this increase could not be explained by genetically determined trade-offs between seed size and number. Moreover, the average phenotypic mean and broad sense heritability for seed weight and number were not significantly different, and a low correlation between these traits was observed.


Organic farming focuses on preventative practices that minimize external inputs and upstream pollution. This includes crop rotation, cover crops, organic fertilizers and pest control techniques, minimizing ground water pollution by avoiding synthetic chemical inputs, and encouraging biodiversity on farms.

In order to sell seed as organic, it must be grown from certified organic seed and handled under organic conditions. All organic growers, food processors and handlers must meet national organic standards, keep careful records and be certified by a USDA-accredited organization with on-site inspections.

While organic growers must use organic seed, they may be exempt from using it if the organic variety they need is not commercially available. This exemption is intended to allow organic producers to continue growing until the supply of organic varieties catches up to demand. However, the exemption does not require that organic breeders develop new varieties for the market, and consolidation challenges in the seed industry are reducing choice for growers.